Why #sebastianstanisoverparty is trending?

#sebastianstanisoverparty was trending on twitter but lots of people seem to be confused about what Sebastian Stan did that got him trending. We have collected all the information available on that matter. For those who don’t know who Sebastian Stan is he is an actor who is famous for playing Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier’s role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Sebastian Stan is over

Why #sebastianstanisoverparty is trending?

The reason why #sebastianstanisoverparty started is not because of Sebastian Stan, it’s because of his girlfriend Alejandra Onieva. Apparently, his girlfriend had posted a photo with her friend wearing geishas and with some cringy caption. So, one of her followers asks her if the photo is insensitive.

But without explaining anything, she blocked the user who posted that comment. We all know one thing internet hate is if someone tries to erase something from the internet.ย  Then lots of people started asking why she blocked the user and why she posted this problematic photo.

Then Sebastian and his girlfriend both started to block the users instead of clarifying the issue which resulted in the twitter trending.

We will update this article if we get more info on this

Here are some of the tweet which will further clarify the situation