Watch Taylor Swift performing ‘Lover’ at the finale of ‘Strictly Come Dancing’

Taylor Swift performed her latest hit ‘Lover’  on the finale of Strictly Come Dancing. Here is the video of her performance .

She just celebrated her 30th birthday with her friends , fans and family. She celebrated with her friends like Camila Cabello , Halsey, Jack Antonoff, Blake Lively and Gigi Hadid, among others

Here is the another picture of her birthday celebration

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Happy birthday but make it santa 🎅

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This was the first public show she appeared after her birthday.

Lover is the 7th studio album by  Taylor Swift which was released on August 23, 2019. The album and its singles received three nominations at the 62nd Grammy Awards

Taylor Swift performed one of the song in the finale of Strictly Come Dancing

What is Strictly Come Dancing ?

Strictly Come Dancing is a British television dance contest in which celebrities partner with professional dancers to compete with each other. The show is broad-casted in BBC One. The latest series which was season 19 come to the end with the guest performance of Taylor Swift.


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